Timothy Joe

He’s only been gone two months
And it seems a million years
A million heartaches ago
And several million tears

Yet I still expect him
To come walking through the door
Looking for something to eat
Or to borrow a little bit more

It seemed whenever I would bake
He’d just happen to drop in
To have some cookies or some cake
And be on his way again

He was always very busy
For friends he didn’t lack
Was in an accident one night
And he won’t be coming back

We only had him nineteen years
The time just seemed to fly
We miss his sense of humor
And the laughter he brought by

I know it isn’t reasonable
But everything we own
Would be given up without a thought
If Joe could just come home

There’s probably some who realize
How we miss Timothy Joe
When you’re crossing an intersection
For the sake of lives drive slow